About Us
Humble Beginning

The 1888 Message Study Committee began meeting as a group in 1984. The object was to study and learn more about the message of Righteousness by Faith which was presented by Alonzo T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoner to the 1888 General Conference session of Seventh-day Adventists. As the small group of people began to study, they realized that this "message" was deeply interwoven with the Gospel--perhaps, even the crux of the Gospel. Their hearts yearned to share their studies with anyone and everyone who wanted to know more. Thus, an official organization was born.
Over the years studies were held in different locations on an annual basis. Attendance grew. New concepts began to be understood. Hearts were changed and people who had previously almost given up their faith in God, came to the realization that the message that Jones and Waggoner brought in 1888 was the "spark" that had been missing in their lives. Thousands began to see this marvelous news as GLAD TIDINGS for dry, thirsty souls. Thus, we are also known as "1888 Glad Tidings."